Provider of Quality Home and Community
Based Services Program (HCS & Txhml)
The Home and Community based services program (HCS) provides a comprehensive community based service system for persons with mental retardation: An individual service plan (ISP) and individual plan of Care (IPC) is developed by an Interdisciplinary Team for each individual enrolled in the HCS program based upon individualized assessment and the individual's strengths, needs and personal goals.
Chi Chi Living
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Chi Chi Living Feel at home Dream it
Mission Statement
To assist and support the individual with mental retardation to achieve an optimal level of independent life style in the community.
Our Philosophy
That no one with developmental disability should live in misery that could live with dignity.
That in every contact with the families, we must do all that we can to strengthen and develop the families capacity to recognize and deal effectively and independently with their own challenges.
In planning for home and community based services, we must involve the client and the family in the process.
Our vision
We envision a world where quality healthcare is accessible to everyone, and our goal is to contribute to this vision by providing experienced and compassionate solutions that enhance the health and independence of our clients. By continuously improving and offering supportive services, excellent care, building trust, and fostering strong relationships within our community, we aim to be a reliable partner in home healthcare for families throughout the region.
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Interested in working together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!